BayesianMCPMod 1.1.0 (2025-03-07)
- Fixed a bug in plot.modelFits() that would plot credible bands based on incorrectly selected bootstrapped quantiles
- Added getMED(), a function to assess the minimally efficacious dose (MED) and integrated getMED() into assessDesign() and performBayesianMCPMod
- Added parallel processing using the future framework
- Modified the handling of the fit of an average model: Now, getModelFits() has an argument to fit an average model and this will be carried forward for all subsequent functions
- Re-introduced getBootstrapSamples(), a separate function for bootstrapping samples from the posterior distributions of the dose levels
- Adapted the vignettes to new features
BayesianMCPMod 1.0.2 (2025-02-06)
- Addition of new vignette comparing frequentist and Bayesian MCPMod using vague priors
- Extension of getPosterior to allow the input of a fully populated variance-covariance matrix
- Added the non-monotonic model shapes beta and quadratic
- New argument in assessDesign() to optionally skip the Mod part of Bayesian MCPMod
- Additional tests
BayesianMCPMod 1.0.1 (2024-04-05)
- Re-submission of the 'BayesianMCPMod' package
- Removed a test that occasionally failed on the fedora CRAN test system
- Fixed a bug that would return wrong bootstrapped quantiles in getBootstrapQuantiles()
- Added getBootstrapSamples(), a separate function for bootstrapping samples
BayesianMCPMod 1.0.0 (2024-01-08)
- Initial release of the 'BayesianMCPMod' package
- Special thanks to Jana Gierse, Bjoern Bornkamp, Chen Yao, Marius Thomas & Mitchell Thomann for their review and valuable comments
- Thanks to Kevin Kunzmann for R infrastructure support and to Frank Fleischer for methodological support